miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Additon of fractions

Mixed numbers

Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions

Adding and subtracting fractions with whole and mixed numbers

Converting improper fraction to mixed numbers

Grammar (Summary)





domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011

Espectáculo de iluminación de un edificio

Plants - Life cycle

Plants - Different parts

Plants - Seed dispersal

Plants - Starting to grow

Plants - Grow your own plant

Drinking plants - Science through home experiments

Plants - Photosynthesis

Plants - Photosynthesis experiment 2

Plants - Photosynthesis experiment 2


Verbs, direct object and indirect object

viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Curiosity rover


Alphabet song (New version)

The shape song

The family song

Get well soon

Simon says

Hospital test

Toy store test

Health club test

Spermarket test


Everyday activities

Buying, playing

Places in your neighborhood

ABC Alphabet Song

Do you have...? (Negative)

Do you have...? (Positive)

May I borrow your pen? Whose pencil is this?

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: past tense, future tense, present tense

Learn junk food names and sweets

Learn vegetables and meats

Learn drinks

Yesterday, today, tomorrow

In the park

Playing instruments

Park test

In the living-room

In the bathroom

In the dining-room

Rooms in the home

What colour is it?

Learn vowels

In the classroom

In the bedroom

The paint is pink

Numbers 1 to 10

It's rainy!

In, on, under

The Calendar Song

The Weather Song

The Food Song

The Colours Song

The apple is red

The Seasons Song

Numbers 1, 2, 3...

The Meal Song

I'm happy!

Electric colours

Do yo have it?

The Clothing Song

Can you do it?

The weather

The House Song

The colour game

Taekwondo test

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Programas electorales de nuestros compañeros y compañeras

Durante estas semanas estamos preparando la visita al Ayuntamiento de Leganés en donde haremos una simulación de un pleno.

Estamos en la campaña electoral para elegir al alcalde o alcaldesa, por lo que las grabaciones de Radio "Imaginando" en  clase han servido para presentar los programas electorales.

En esta ocasión, hemos grabado el audio y el vídeo. Los podemos encontrar en el Museo Escolar de Tercer Ciclo de este curso en el aula virtual.

Es posible que nos pidan acceder pulsando en Entrar como invitado.